Home Artists Eduard von Gebhardt

Eduard von Gebhardt (1838–1925)

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Eduard von Gebhardt was an Estonian born in Järva-Jaani. Gebhardt trained as an artist in St. Petersburg, Russia from 1855 until 1858. In the 1860s, Gebhardt began training with the Düsseldorf School under Wilhelm Sohn. Gebhardt became an integral part of the Düsseldorf School, where he continued on as an instructor.

Gebhardt’s paintings are often religious in theme, illustrating scenes from the Reformation. He also created a series of murals titled “Scenes from the Life of Christ.” In addition to Gebhardt’s religious work, he painted a number of more classical portraits.

Gebhardt painted many portraits of peasants, rather than just focusing on the bourgeoisie. He showed poor men and women with forlorn expressions and sometimes tattered clothes. Gebhardt’s humble perspective gives the viewer a more realistic view of what like was like at the time.

If you think you may own original artwork by Eduard von Gebhardt, contact Art Experts for information regarding our services.


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