Home Artists Petronėlė Gerlikienė

Petronėlė Gerlikienė (1905-1979)

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Petronėlė Gerlikienė was a Lithuanian folk artist. Born Petronėlė Kromelyte, in Chicago, the artist married and spent much of her life working on a farm in Samogitia. Later in the artist’s life, she moved to Vilnius, where she became known as an artist.

Gerlikienė is best known for her large tapestries that often contained colorful images of trees. In addition to her embroidery Gerlikienė also made oil paintings with a similar subject matter.

Gerlikienė won several awards for her work, shortly before her death in 1979. Most of her tapestries and paintings were in fact made in the last ten years of her life.

If you think you may own original artwork by Petronėlė Gerlikienė, contact Art Experts for information regarding our services.


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