Home Artists Ivan Grohar

Ivan Grohar (1867–1911)

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Ivan Grohar was a Slovenian artist known as a leading Slovenian Impressionist. Grohar was born in Spodnja Sorica under the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Grohar’s early artistic training included a summer working under the church painter, Matija Bradaška. Grohar attempted to flee military service by relocating to Venice. Unfortunately a lack of funding forced him to return and complete extra service time.

In 1892, Grohar received funding to study painting in Vienna. Grohar eventually completed his studies at the Graz School of Painting and returned to Slovenia to open his own studio. In the early 1900s, Grohar exhibited in cities across Europe such as London, Warsaw, Berlin and Belgrade.

While Grohar’s early works are often religious in theme, he is best remembered in Slovenia for his later, impressionist paintings. Grohar painted both portraits and landscapes with varying palettes.

If you think you may own original artwork by Ivan Grohar, contact Art Experts for information regarding our services.


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