Home Artists Matija Jama

Matija Jama

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Matija Jama was a Slovenian painter born in Ljubljana. Jama lived in Zagreb with his family during his primary school years. After showing an interest in painting and drawing, Jama moved to Munich to continue his artistic training. After a few years, Jama returned to Ljubljana to work as an illustrator for the publication, Dom in svet.

In 1902, Jama married A Dutch painter, Luiza van Raders. The couple travelled around Europe together before returning to Slovenia. Jama continued producing illustrations and posters, through collaborations with modernist writers.

It was not until Jama’s later career that he fully devoted himself to oil on canvas painting. Jama became a leading Slovenian Impressionist, influenced by his French predecessors. Jama worked as a painter until the end of his life, creating numerous landscapes, portraits and genre scenes. Many of Jama’s paintings are now in the National Gallery of Slovenia in Ljubljana.

If you think you may own original artwork by Matija Jama, contact Art Experts for information regarding our services.


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