Home Artists Louis Adolphe Riou

Louis Adolphe Riou (1893 – 1958)

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Louis Adolphe Riou was born in France in 1893. Riou studied at the School of Fine Arts in Lyon. Riou later continued his education by attending the School of Decorative Arts in Paris.

Riou’s talent began to show in his masterfully painted outdoor scenes. Riou started to exhibit extensively in France during the 1920s. A notable success was Riou’s entry in an autumn salon at the Tuileries.

Riou is known for being an Orientalist painter. Orientalism is style of art associated with a group of 19th-century artists in Europe who were fond of depicting harem girls, sheikhs and Middle-Eastern scenery. Riou along with artists such as Delacroix, Ingres and (Henri) Rousseau employed such eastern themes.

While many orientalists never spent time in the Middle East, Riou travelled to Morocco in 1931 to paint and study in a new culture and environment. Riou stayed in Morocco for many years and in 1939, Riou became a professor of fresco painting at the School of Fine arts in Cairo, Egypt.

Louis Adolphe Riou’s paintings are in museums and collections across the United States and Europe. Do you think you own a painting by Riou? Contact us, we are the Riou experts!


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